Get Involved

In order to be able to continue to develop our programme and help to develop more young people in the North West, we are seeking funding.
We would love to hear from you if you’d be interested in helping us.
Donate / Raise Funds
All Aboard Youth Rowing is fully reliant on funding. There are plenty of ways you can help:
Make a Donation
Just click on the Donate Button and you can donate a sum of money. EVERYTHING you donate will be used to help another young person learn life changing skills on our programme.

Shop Online

Did you know that you can support All Aboard Youth Rowing by shopping online?
Every time you shop online via easyfundraising at one of the 3,300 retailers including John Lewis, Sainsbury’s and, a donation will be made to All Aboard Youth Rowing and it won’t cost you an extra penny.
It’s really simple to get started:
Go to
Sign up for free!
Get shopping – your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to All Aboard Youth Rowing. It couldn’t be easier!
There are no catches or hidden charges and All Aboard Youth Rowing will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.
Buy Our Kit
We partner with Bubble Customised Clothing which provides all our kit for coaches and students. This kit, along with some other useful items are available to buy from our shop. Each purchase provides some funds to help us continue to help more young people through the sport of rowing.
Check out our range here!

Sponsorship Opportunities

All Aboard Youth Rowing has established an enviable reputation, utilising the sport of rowing to enhance the lives of its beneficiaries. Naturally, as both a Registered Charity and not-for-profit organisation we are focussed on establishing relationships with funders and corporate partners for mutual benefit and our sustainability.
A copy of our partnerships and sponsorship booklet is downloadable here.
For an informal, no obligation conversation around the possibilities of engaging with All Aboard Youth Rowing, please contact Adrian Stores.
For any funding programmes, trusts and foundations wanting to find out more about our activities, do reach out to James Crowley in the first instance.
Work with Us
“Working with All Aboard Youth Rowing is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done” (Jen Hinds, AAYR Office Manage & Coach)
As we continue to increase the number of young people who benefit from our programme, we often have opportunities to work with us and be part of Our Team. We will post any current vacancies here.
In the meantime, we are always on the look out for coaches who can take regular sessions at any of our sites.
- If you are already a qualified coach and are interested in helping us change the lives of young people via our sport, get in touch!
- If you love rowing and love what we do, and would like to know how you could get involved, get in touch! We can help you get all the relevant qualifications!
Many of our coaches are students who coach for us on the days they don’t have lectures. It’s a great way to earn some extra income doing what you love! Or some work part time and choose to work with us on their days off to do something really different and truly inspiring. We also have some coaches who have retired from their careers and love coaching with us for one or two days a week.
“It’s great to see the enthusiasm, fun and interest the young people have and it’s hugely satisfying to be able to help them learn a new and very different sport. Also it’s enjoyable to see them develop individually and collectively as they learn the sport whilst also seeing their self confidence develop.” (James Duxbury, Coach)